SilverFit Newton

Update SilverFit Newton

For this update, 6 games have been added to stimulate a client’s cognition during strength training. These games are suitable for improving memory, planning, arithmetic skills, spatial awareness, situational assessment, and language proficiency. These games can be found under ‘Train dynamicly’. Here are some of the new excercises:

  • Spelling bee: A word or picture is displayed. The patient moves the correct letters to spell the word
    accurately. If the patient takes a long time, some incorrect answers will disappear to make it easier.
    Cognitive task: This exercise trains the patient’s writing skills/spelling.
  • Matching images: An image is displayed. The patient has to select the matching image from a set of
    possible answers. If the client takes a long time, some incorrect answers will disappear to make it easier.
    Cognitive task: This exercise trains the client’s image recognition.
  • Sound recognition: A sound plays while a speaker animation is visible. Afterwards, the client must choose the corresponding picture from several possible answers. If the client takes a long time, some incorrect answers will disappear to simplify it.
    Cognitive task: This exercise trains the client’s sound recognition and conversion of
    auditory to visual information.

Find more information about the SilverFit Newton updates here.


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