SilverFit 3D: Moving with Joy

Movement Exercises in Game Form

The SilverFit 3D offers engaging exercise games to support gross motor skills and Activities of Daily Living (ADL) skills in geriatric care. The gamified aspect brings enjoyment and challenge, keeping clients motivated.

Scientific substantiation

Active Training for Lasting Physical Fitness

Remaining active has proven positive effects on the physical and cognitive health of older adults. To stay independent longer or support rehabilitation, it’s essential that older adults are encouraged to move. SilverFit 3D motivates clients to engage actively, exercise longer, and work harder to achieve better scores, all while having fun!

SilverFit 3D

White Paper

Suitable for everyone

Customised Exercise

Each exercise in SilverFit 3D is adjustable to the client’s physical, cognitive, and sensory needs. The Selection Tool allows therapists to choose exercises based on starting position, type of movement, cognition level, specific goals, and diagnoses.


What Else Does the System Offer

SilverFit 3D allows nearly every gross motor skill prescribed in geriatric rehabilitation to be practised through games. Exercises include seated tasks, sit-to-stand transfers, balance, and walking exercises. Based on KNGF guidelines and paramedic practice, SilverFit 3D also offers activities that combine movement and cognition, such as mental arithmetic and puzzles.

Choose Exercise Series by Condition

Choose Exercise Series by Condition

SilverFit 3D enables the creation of exercise series, a fixed set of exercises that can be performed in order. Available movement programmes include COPD, dementia, frail older adults, and fall prevention. Programmes can be done individually or in groups.

Standardised Clinical Tests

Standardised Clinical Tests

SilverFit 3D includes standardised tests to track client progress, including Functional Reach, Timed-Up & Go, and various Sit-to-Stand tests, making it easy to monitor improvement over time.

Track Progress in the Client Profile​

Track Progress in the Client Profile

Therapists can easily create a profile for each client on SilverFit 3D. This allows for saving specific game settings and tracking client progress over time.


Optimal use through training

SilverFit organises online training (on request) for SilverFit 3D users to ensure optimal system use. If you and your colleagues are new to the system or it is time for a refresher, do not hesitate to contact us to discuss training possibilities. Training sessions can be conducted online or on-site.
Fall Prevention

National User Event - Fall Prevention

Each year, SilverFit hosts a well-attended event focused on the use of our systems in relation to relevant themes. This year’s theme was fall prevention. The online event covered the latest (scientific) developments in the field, with presentations from internal and external speakers, exploring various aspects of fall prevention and explaining how SilverFit systems can support it.


Talking to Professionals


Technical Information

The SilverFit 3D configuration consists of a screen with minicomputer connected to movement equipment.

Certified working method

SilverFit 3D is a medical device for the healthcare sector
and meets the following certification standards:

IEC 62304

SilverFit 3D configuration

Connectable to

To be used with


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