SilverFit Alois

SilverFit Alois Update 10.0

These are the updates on this year’s SilverFit Alois:

Functionalities video to choose the right activity

Is the SilverFit Alois new to you or do you often choose the same activity? We have added a button on the home screen where you can find more information on how to use the Alois.
Here you will find a video explaining the types of activities the Alois offers and tips on how to use it.

We have also added the information as a document distinguishing between activities for one person, a small group (2-4 people) and a larger group. Thereby, the activities are divided into: Exercise, Cognition, Reminiscence and Relaxation.

New set of pictures with memory

When starting the activities ‘Memory’ and ‘Picture Matching’, you get the choice of which set of cards you want to play with. Because the Alois is used very widely, we regularly get the comment that the old sets do not fit well with a location’s target group.

By adding new pictures, these activities will appeal to a larger target group.

New route film: De Haar Castle

We take you to De Haar Castle. Let us show you around this beautiful castle and experience how the van Zuylen family used to live here.

Did your cot also used to stand next to a four-poster bed? Or were you more likely to belong to the staff?

You can find the new route film under ‘Tour Activities’.

Undoing the last steps in the Painting activity

We have made a small addition to the Painting activity: the last brush strokes can be undone by pressing the eraser.

You can find this activity under ‘Screen touching activities’.


Do you want to know more on how to get the most out of your SilverFit System? Read all about our Service Agreement!

Find all the information about the SilverFit Alois here.


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