SilverFit 3D

Positive Effects of Virtual Dancing: Discogame SilverFit 3D

A systematic review and meta-analysis by Yoong et al (2024) investigated the impact of dance exergames as physical activity for older people.
The study shows that these exergames are an effective and enjoyable way to encourage older people to exercise more. Participants found the activity fun and got a lot of satisfaction from it.

Since November 2024, the SilverFit 3D offers a disco game in which participants make dance steps to music.
A unique feature is the addition of unexpected tiles, which challenge participants to interrupt and modify planned movements. This training of unplanned movements is a valuable exercise for fall prevention.

Yoong, S. Q., Wu, V. X., & Jiang, Y. (2024). Experiences of older adults participating in dance exergames: A systematic review and meta-synthesis.
International Journal of Nursing Studies, 152, 104696


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