SilverFit, SilverFit Mile

Exercise during Kidney Dialysis

Over 2 million people worldwide receive treatment for kidney failure, a condition in which the kidneys retain less than 15% of their function. Dialysis or a kidney transplant is necessary to survive. (, n.d.)

A common consequence of dialysis is fatigue, which makes patients less inclined to stay physically active. In addition, dialysis can lead to a decline in motoric functions. Therefore, it is recommended to exercise during dialysis rather than after. Exercise helps reducing fatigue and boredom during dialysis (Whitepaper kidney dialysis SilverFit, 2020).

The SilverFit Mile has a wide range of lifelike routes around the world. Dialysis patients cycle during dialysis from their bed or chair with a (Mini) Mobility Trainer while the realistic cycling routes provide extra distraction and more motivation to exercise, which in turn increases therapy compliance (Whitepaper SilverFit Mile, 2024).

In the dialysis department of the Canisius Wilhelmina Hospital (CWZ), many patients use the SilverFit Mile systems. Dialysis nurses are also enthusiastic about this addition on the ward.

A dialysis patient at CWZ recounts:
‘It’s great that such a device is available! Dialysis often means just staring ahead, but now I can stay in movement. Cycling is good for my fitness ánd time passes by a lot faster!’

Global Facts: About Kidney Disease. (n.d.). National Kidney Foundation.
SilverFit. (2020) Exercise during kidney dialysis.
Silverfit.(2024). SilverFit Mile. SilverFit.


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