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SilverFit, SilverFit Alois

Effective Therapies for Behavioral and Psychological Problems in Dementia

Behavioral and psychological changes occur in all forms of dementia. People may become suspicious or anxious, while others experience apathy, depression, or wandering behavior. Some individuals become more friendly, while others react with increased anger or even aggression. These behavioral and psychological changes can be challenging for both the person with dementia and their caregivers (, n.d.).

Therapy to Address Behavioral and Psychological Issues
Medication is often used to manage behavioral and psychological problems, but it can have unpleasant side effects. Additionally, multiple medications can interact, leading to further complications. This is why it is essential to explore alternative, non-medication solutions (, 2017).

Several non-pharmacological therapies are now available to reduce behavioral and psychological issues in dementia. A study by Wang et al. (2018) examined the effects of different therapies, including music therapy, movement therapy, sensory stimulation therapy, reminiscence therapy, and cognitive stimulation. The results showed that all these therapies positively impact behavioral and psychological problems, though their effectiveness varies (Whitepaper SilverFit Alois, 2024).


  • Reminiscence therapy significantly reduces apathy, restlessness, and depressive symptoms while improving mood and self-esteem.
  • Sensory stimulation therapy reduces apathy, aggression, and depressive symptoms.
  • Movement therapy decreases apathy and aggression.

SilverFit Alois: Multiple Therapies in One System
The SilverFit Alois integrates these therapies into a user-friendly system with interactive game elements, ensuring that each client receives a therapy that suits them.

For movement therapy, exercises such as Carnival, Bingo, and The Fox are available. For sensory stimulation therapy, activities like Aquarium, Seated Dancing, and Animal Films are ideal. Want to know which activity aligns with which therapy? The Alois Whitepaper provides a detailed overview, ensuring that clients receive both effective and enjoyable therapies.

With a wide range of activities available, there is always something to do, see, or discuss—creating a pleasant atmosphere and enhancing daily enjoyment.
Curious about the specific improvements in behavioral and psychological issues from different therapies? Read the full article in the Alois Whitepaper.

• Changing Behavior (n.d.). Dementia.
• Music Therapy: A Contagious Medicine for Dementia (2017). Alzheimer Nederland.
• SilverFit Alois Whitepaper (2024). SilverFit.


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